Drinking Horn Meadery

Sun-Thur: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Fri-Sat: 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
About Us
Drinking Horn Meadery was born in the pines of Flagstaff, Arizona in 2014. The mead is inspired by a desire to live, and drink more simply. Created in small batches using all natural and locally sourced ingredients, Drinking Horn Meadery strives to get back to the roots of one of human kind’s earliest libations.
Tip back your horns, and enjoy our mead. Cheers!
Drinking Horn founders Kelly and Evan were planning for their wedding in early 2015, and Evan wanted to make a special beverage to accompany their special day. A friend of theirs had mentioned that the word honeymoon originated from mead and since Evans family has always been beekeepers the idea of fermented honey was greatly intriguing. He made up 30 gallons of mead in 5 different flavors (including a few flavors that are still enjoyed to this day) and the wedding party managed to drink all of the mead, and barely touched the beer. Evan had been looking for a change in career from being a fish biologist, and the excitement of their combined family for this “new” beverage provided the encouragement they needed to start the endeavor of Drinking Horn.