Black Barts Steakhouse & RV Park

DiningDining-SteakhouseCampgrounds & RV Parks
About Us
In 1976, Lee & Ora Pedrick acquired the 11-acre Black Bart's Recreational Vehicle Park at 2760 East Butler Avenue in Flagstaff. The building that is now the restaurant was then a recreational facility for the park. In 1979, the Pedricks decided to open a steakhouse utilizing the talents of NAU students as singing servers to entertain customers. The students' response was so great that plans were immediately formulated to build and open the adjoining Old West Theatre, where the Black Bart's Vaudeville Show & Old West Melodramawas produced for 11 years, through the summer of 1990.
In 1991, it was decided to discontinue the Old West Theatre and replace it with a more comprehensive Musical Revue that continues today. The wall between the steakhouse and the theatre was removed, creating a much larger restaurant which provided better facilities for a greater number of people to enjoy our unique blend of food and entertainment.
On January 2nd, 1992, a tragic plane crash claimed the lives of Lee & Ora Pedrick.
Black Bart's Steakhouse has continued operation with its ownership in the hands of the Pedrick Family Trust, and carries on its tradition of great food and entertainment in the same manner Lee & Ora designed. It remains our goal to create a living memorial to their memories and dedication.