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Soulstice Publishing

Soulstice Publishing

Books-RetailBusiness & Professional Services

About Us

Our company was founded by two professional editors who enjoy working together and with authors to create “books with soul.” Since our founding in 2019, we've published several notable books rooted right here in Flagstaff:

''Walking Flagstaff,'' a photo-rich book that reveals the soul of our quirky town via images and writings from local legend George Breed.
''The San Francisco Peaks and Flagstaff Through the Lens of Time,'' in which historical photos are precisely matched by their modern-day counterparts, revealing the effects of time on the landscapes we hold dear.
''Voices of Navajo Mothers and Daughters: Portraits of Beauty,'' which shares the lives of more than 60 Navajo women in 21 families, in their own words.
And more!

Surrounded by ponderosa pines, enriched by diverse cultures, and inspired by the optimistic Western spirit, Flagstaff abounds with scientists, artists, athletes, and many other people who love the outdoors. Soulstice actively seeks local authors who want to partner with us on projects that bring joy to readers and reflect well on the community we love.

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Julie Hammonds
  • Phone: (928) 814-8943

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